Pesticides linked to ADD/ADHD

Recently a report came out showing the link between pesticides found in children and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder). The pesticides in question are common ones used on fruits and vegetables, commonly known as organophosphates. (Pediatrics, May, 2010.)

Since children are still growing, they may be more prone to the health effects of pesticides – whether they get it from eating the fruit or vegetable, inhaled from the air, or drank it from the water supply.

94% of children in the study showed these compounds in kids urine. And where there were higher levels of the metabolites of organophosphates, there was a much higher propensity for ADD/ADHD.

We are all exposed to these compounds. But you can limit your (and your kids) exposure. Eat organic fruits and vegetables, and consider having your own garden, or buying locally from a farmer who you know is practicing sustainable, pesticide-free gardening.

Some things have higher detectible levels of pesticides: frozen blueberries, fresh strawberries and celery are generally higher. A website that lists the “dirty dozen” – those fruits and vegetables with the highest amounts of pesticide residue – is (this is the nonprofit Environmental Working Group).

Studies like this one are just the tip of the iceberg as far as I’m concerned. Our rates of cancer and other diseases, in a society that has knocked out some of the most dangerous threats to our health, will continue to suffer from other illnesses if we don’t pay some attention to the toxins that we have created. Most Americans are lathering their bodies with products that contain hundred of chemical toxins – and the skincare industry is largely unregulated.

Just for fun, grab your sunscreen or body lotion, and check out the manufacturer and/or ingredients at . You may be surprised at what you find. And hopefully inspired to make some changes.

This summer – grow your own veggies, use natural skin care products and sunscreens, and enjoy the healthy feeling that playing in the sun can bring.

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