Detox Time!
Sara Thyr
Jan 14 2008 …
Reasons to detoxify: Clean up your diet Loose weight Hormone balancing Learn more healthful habits Clear up skin Boost immune function Eliminate toxins from daily exposure Regulate digestion Uncover food allergies/intolerances Feel increased energy Decrease headaches Decrease other chronic health problems Treat infertility Help menopausal symptoms Clear allergies Assist nutrient absorption Discover new & healthier foods Break bad habits you have been wanting to let go of Have fun in a group setting learning about how your body detoxifies and find ways you can promote that all year long!
Detox groups are now forming for February Detox Courses in the Concord and Bedford areas. A detox series will cost $195 for three meeting sessions, two detox supplements, and a guidebook with recipes. Concord: at Concord Birth and Wellness Center, Tuesdays, February 12, 19 and 26th, 6:30-8 pm. Bedford: my house, Fridays, February 15, 22 and 29th, 6-7:30 pm. Groups will be limited due to space constraints so please let me know right away if you are interested. Email: [email protected] Cell: 603.494.3838
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